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Effective means of gaining market and/or audience insight using online tools

I think basic factor is strategy/ tactic with using suitable online tools. At first, you might do research and conduct a survey on the Internet to get information about market possibility, consumer behaviour and so on, and then you will launch an advertising campaign based on that data.

Effective digital tools are homepage, social network which is facebook, blogs, etc, banner ad, You Tube and so on. These tools are different aim to use for obtaining market share and consumers. I think there are roughly two type of function, those use for attention and communication.

Typically, online commercial provide an image of goods/services for audience who give attention it and perhaps he/she tell its ad to his/her friends. Usually, successful and/or attractive advertisement gain many potential customers.  Also, in this field, banner advertisement is a very popular method and You Tube, as well. Creating commercial is how well you inform audience about goods/services to get as much as attention. Not only digital marketing, but also traditional marketing.

On the Internet there is some popular communication tools those are facebook, twitter and blogs. How do those tools work?  That is very simple. At first, you creaet own page then give some information about goods/servics such as its design, function, whatever you want to inform audience. When you have done it, you connect with visitors on the page. So, you will know what your audiences think of the goods/services as feedback. That might help to expand your idea, the goods/services' improvement and/or invention. You would be inspired.

1 comment:

  1. You have some good information here I like how you point out that there are 2 functions attention and communication. However I think some images and or a video would help your post stand out a bit more. You might also want to double check your spelling I think Youtube is supposed to be one word and i noticed some other spelling/grammar mistakes. Also the / that you frequently use can make reading your post a bit choppy.
