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Here's my Favourite digital marketing creative and why?

My favourite creative is that TV commercials, like a short drama, were continued the rest of stories on the Web. That meant we could only watch the rest of stories on its website. The idea was successful, I believed, because its style created the commercials which were somehow more interesting and attractive than others. In Fact, many people watched those stories and also companies created several version of its drama. These kinds of advertisements were popular in Japan some years ago. Why did the companies make those advertisements? The answer was, perhaps, that when audience went to the website, they might have given some personal detail at least email. Honestly I've never been those website because I was busy working, although I was always interested in those commercials and I always thought to be going to watch it later then I totally missed a chance to watch it at live. Afterwards, I found those stories on YouTube.

I will give you these videos but I cannot translate all conversation, sorry. Despite of that, I give you a summary of the story. A man who is Japanese and couldn't speak other language at all has gone to overseas business trip in Paris, he met a beautiful attendant on the plane then he got to Paris. He was at a restaurant and saw the attendant with her friends there. He got great feeling as destiny, he would have got three choices to make a decision. Those were acting gently to ask them for the recommendation of the menu or acting quickly to chat up her via her friend who is Japanese or he did noting, he just observed and gazed because he thought there was impossible to talk to her.


Introduction (on TV):




1 comment:

  1. I think we have never had this kind of adverts in spain (or I never saw them...) and I find it as a really interesting idea in terms of engaging people. If with that ¨first chapter¨ on T.V. they people to follow them on the internet that´s obviously worth it...
