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How to deliver projects on brief, on time and on budget

After making strategy, your project or task is ready to start but before starting a project, in my opinion, you should make schedule as process plan like how to achieve a goal. This is not fixed plan, this have to be adjustable and flexible but do not be overambitious otherwise your project would face delay or some problems. Your project proceeds step by step to reach the goal. To divide a project with process plan that may help you if your project or task faced some problems. You will find a problem easily because you don't check through all of detail and process. Perhaps, dividing a project would deliver whole project or task smoothly. During a project, you work within a team so team play is a key element. You should communicate with your teammate in order to share clear vision and the same motivation.  Well communication makes a good teamwork.

Examination your project is necessary and essential factor because the process plan is not perfect. You must know process of your project. In process of time there might appear result and/or performance to adjust and fix in order to deliver project on time and on budget and to achieve your project. During the project or task, it is necessary to do analyses.


1 comment:

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