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How to select the most appropriate channels to reach digital natives

Digital marketing, there are lots of channels such as, banner ad for getting attention and taking audience own homepage and blog for providing piece of information and taking them as well. Each channel provides different quality and service. That is difficult to choose which channel is appropriate your project, campaign and so on. On the other hand, digital natives are always connecting digital world by computer, mobile phone and many other gadgets like iPod. They are living with digital medium so, that means how to attract them! That's it but how? Again, that is difficult, too!!

However, I believe there are no perfect channels for every plan, strategy, project etc, like a guideline, because each one is different from others. That means choosing channel that depends on what your strategy, whatever, is... And also, before making strategy, of course, there necessarily do research for knowing about your targets is important. When project starts, you already chose some digital channels those are potentially suitable for the project.  Next what you might do that that collects its statistical data because you probably modify or adjust those channels in order to succeed. For example, making strategy, you chose ten channels before starting a project. Afterwards, you'll get some its statistic data and you analyse the data then perhaps you adjust channels that are reduced more appropriate channels to five or more less.


1 comment:

  1. hi Yoko, goos blog, you got a general idea of marketing, however you can visit this page to have a better view of strategies for digital natives

    Take care!
