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Drowning in number? What are the most meaningful measures to improve campaign performance.

When you conduct a campaign, you of course want to know its performance but how to measure its performance is successful or failed. There are some ways to measure your campaign performance. Unfortunately, there isn't only one to measure to improve campaign performance.

Firstly, you must set your clear goal which doesn't matter what goal you look at, like brand awareness, be specific is only the matter to set your goal before you launch your campaign. Why this is important is simple, you have big picture of your business and you know where you want to achieve, because this is basic element. If you aren't sure your purpose, you have to consider it.

Secondly, you should evaluate your campaign performance by tracking and comparing data etc. Analyses are always vital of success in your business and are many ways to measure its performance by numbers. What you should do is to monitor traffic on your site which collects your audience action of what they're looking for your contents, how long they spend time on your site and so on. Then you must get your traffic reports from agency and/or some useful material from web provider, such as Google analytics. This system provide you lots of statistic data about your site performance, see more detail about Google analytics ( Here, important thing isn't getting information about performance data about how many people visit on your site, the important things are how long people are staying on and/or how many pages or which pages they are viewing.

Meanwhile, you might use social media, such as Tweeter, Blog and Facebook in order to build and expand your brand awareness or for a specific campaign by not only advertisements. These media are measuring differently but the mesurement steps are the same distances which are exposure, influence, engagement and audience's action. These are also analyses by numbers, like follower, viewer and so on.

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 At exposure, you should take your effort to increase exposure of your business awareness in order to get publicity. That measure by tracking etc. secondly, influence is kind of analysis. Your campaign or strategy is ok or you need to modify your campaign or strategy. Thirdly, engagement is how many audiences respond your performance, such as how many people react your performance and how much you give them an impact by your performance. Action is kind of result, such as purchase and/or downloading etc.

In conclusion, in which way you measure campaign performance, there are certainly need numbers to measure its performance. But you don't forget that the numbers show result of performance in more ways than one but you should not confuse which data and/or number you look at to evaluate its performance and to improve your campaign.   


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