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Winning pitches, the art and the science

I think pitch is kind of persuade speech so when you give speech, you should be aware of some key factor.

Refine your idea and/ or concept
Before pitch, you should refine your idea that is clear as your core message. What you want to inform your audience. Then you have to plan how to provide your idea and what is your achievement.

Do research
While you make a plan, you must know who your audience is, what they want to know or expect from you. You should think about their viewpoint. Don't be selfish to just give information about your product or service.

You should decide what you must inform or not to inform because when you are on the pitch, you don't have enough time to explain everything. You cannot give every single detail of your product or service and they don't want to tiny detail of it. They may want to how your product or service provides solution of problem and/or make a progress. You also give visual information, such as using PowerPoint and picture which are easy to imagine or understand about your concept.

Practice and performance
You must practise for your pitch. You should do practice and check pace of your speaking and your performance, such as eye contact and body expression, as much as you can then if you find weak and wrong with your pitch. You can modify it and do practice again, again, again that would make your confidence.

Conclusion of this topic, you have to have confidence if you do above things and you would engage with your audience. Even if you fail your pitch, you learn from that, and you will try not to make same mistake. Don't be afraid of next pitch.       


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